Social media has become such a big part of our lives. Growing up with all these different media platforms allows for a built in routine to constantly check some of our go-to social media apps. For example, subconciously I will check Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and (newly) TikTok every day. Typically I will do this when I am bored and I don't even have a reason to go on these apps in the first place.
Always being connected to the world in one way or another has positive and negatives. Teens said their relationships get closer online, however in-person contact gets suppressed because of this. I agree with this because when I am surrounded by people face to face we all have our phones on us and even if we aren't constantly on them we are distracted by them, making it hard to live in the moment. Although for long distance relationships technology has allowed you to feel like you aren't even apart from each other. This has helped me stay in contact with my friends and family in Wisconsin while I'm in school here in Minneapolis.
Social media has also played hand in our daily lives and choices. Whenever I see something pretty, am at a cool concert, traveling somewhere cool, or see something funny one of the first things I'll think of is to capture the moment and share it online. This is how many teenagers and young adults spend their day to day lives thinking and wired. It's gone as far as controlling what adventures they go on, where they go to eat, or travel. Especially when people compare their lives to influencers and Youtubers, who are usually living extravagant lives and going on incredible trips.
Youtube has become a new entertainment platform that many people use in replacement of the typical cable television. There is such a big variety on Youtube from family vlogs to baking shows, makeup tutorials, and gaming streams. There is something for everyone to enjoy and connect to. Youtube creators have become the new level of celebrities and also make an income from various other social media platforms.
I think it's interesting how much social media has affected our lives and for some, without us even realizing. Kids growing up right now will never know a world without social media because that's what they were born into. I was luckily shocked that use of media in kids zero to eight have made a positive outcome. Helping with growth, development, and learning. Obviously with anything you need to use media in moderation, especially at young ages.
Courtney Ann